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Recent Aminet uploads by dir

Recent uploads to Aminet

These are that last 7 day's uploads sorted by dir (age) as of 8-Sep-95. Click on archives to download them and descriptions to view .readme files.

MusicManII.lha       biz/dbase  557K Manages your CDs,MCs... VERY comfortably
quickfile.lha        biz/dbase  284K V3.16.6 Powerful, fast and easy database
bud111.lha           biz/misc    86K Personnal Budget Utility v1.11 (OS 3.0+)
BJack_v11.lha        comm/bbs     6K Blackjack game for MAXsBBS
Chaseem_v11.lha      comm/bbs     9K Great run online game for MAXsBBS
M_Quest_v11.lha      comm/bbs     5K New user questionaire door for MaxsBBS
rpgbbs1.lha          comm/bbs   364K Role-Playing Game BBS/DOOR disk 1
ZTopFiles11.lha      comm/bbs    12K Zeus util: Most DLed files stat maker.
adddescript_11.lha   comm/cnet   17K Add CNet long or short descriptions, ext
cnmp_10b.lha         comm/cnet  133K CNetMultiPort - Developer's package for 
DloadDesc_31.lha     comm/cnet   11K DownloadDescript - Allows user's to down
DupeScan_201.lha     comm/cnet   14K DupeScan - Detects and log users with mu
metalscan_103.lha    comm/cnet   41K MetalScan - Replacement/Companion SCAN c
MS-Credits_62.lha    comm/cnet   37K Awards users byte or pfile credits for p
ToSL_21.lha          comm/cnet   17K ToSelectList (ToSL) - add selections to 
FSS_1.0.lha          comm/dlg     2K Selects the correct File SIG based on Co
jm950728.lha         comm/fido  316K WPL Frontend Mailer Generator
AirMail1_2.lha       comm/mail  118K AirMail 1.2 GUI internet mailer
AmigaElm-v8.lha      comm/mail  209K Mail-Reader (UUCP/Internet), v8 (8.20)
mbbsmail050995.lha   comm/mebbs  36K Offline Mebbsnet BBS MailManager NTSC
mktys095.lha         comm/mebbs 144K Archive View/Extract/Add/Read/dl Door
uuclean.lha          comm/misc    4K Cleans unneeded text from captured UU fi
magplip37.3.lha      comm/tcp    62K SANA II parallel IP device driver
mlftpd_14.lha        comm/tcp    38K Ftpd v1.4 - Improved upload control
IN1_3aPrtDoc.lha     comm/ums   245K Printable documentation for IntuiNews 1.
IntuiNews1_3a.lha    comm/ums   153K MUI-based Messagereader for UMS
UMSMailStat118.lha   comm/ums    34K Create statistics about UMS newsgroups
MList132.lha         comm/xeno   35K MegaList 1.32 - Xenolink filelist genera
atw-gre1.lha         demo/aga   1.3M Greenday (Winner Demo) 1/2 *AGA*
atw-gre2.lha         demo/aga   271K Greenday (Winner Demo) 2/2 *AGA*
ManOnTheMoon.lha     demo/aga   3.0M Faculty's winning AGA Demo at Scenest'95
TheShow.lha          demo/aga   582K 4th or 5th AGA Demo at Scenest'95.
IceParty.lha         demo/slide 116K Funny slideshow from Croatian IceParty
Colpectius1.lha      dev/amos    26K Collection of AMOS progs, v1.1 all(?) bu
fast_prime.lha       dev/asm     17K Fast prime numbers and other stuff
wind-src.lha         dev/c        6K Window C source - example for beginners
EE0902a.lha          dev/e      138K Src Editor and Dev Environ for E
E_Clock.lha          dev/e        5K Simple clock written with Amiga E
UsefulV2.lha         dev/e        5K JRH's useful E modules (version 2)
CDP_0_771.lha        disk/cdrom  63K A SCSI-II CD-Player (needs MUI)
Gateway1DB.lha       disk/cdrom 102K FindDB-Codes for Gateway! Volumen 1
JukeBox-Ext.lha      disk/cdrom  27K Two extensions, V1.2
HD-ed.lha            disk/misc    7K It allows you to edit WHOLE scsi.device-
ar316.lha            docs/mags   81K Amiga Report 3.16, September 5, 1995
FForces10a.lha       game/misc  215K Multiplayer tactical fantasy battle for 
PatchF1GP.lha        game/misc   15K F1GP/WC patch, minor update - for 1Mb ma
TimeBomb_V1.0.lha    game/misc  216K Diffuse those timebombs. Amiga Gridtrap!
AB2HD.lha            game/patch  19K Alien Breed II AGA HD-Installer
adv.lha              game/role  230K Adventure construction set w/src
CGFX_Patience.lha    game/think  31K CyberGraphics Patience game
RayTracedCards.lha   game/think 1.2M CyberGfx Patience game. (cardset)
thinkamania298.lha   game/think  80K Concentration, sUpErB GFX & SFX V2.98
WinTris121.lha       game/wb     86K Workbench Tetris Clone v1.21 (Kick 2.0+)
IMLarc64.lha         gfx/3d     200K IML Arc.#65 August'95. Text file format
IMLarc64guide.lha    gfx/3d     230K IML Arc.#65 August'95. Guide file format
JumpingBall.lha      gfx/3dobj    7K LW scene of jumping ball
OmniMech.lha         gfx/3dobj   91K Imagine Object of Battletech Omni-Mech
Truck.lha            gfx/3dobj   69K 3D Object of a toi truck  for Imagine
v_engine2.lha        gfx/aga     59K New Voxelspace-Engine. AGA only.
cybershow51.lha      gfx/board   91K SlideShow&Viewer(incl.PCD)for CybGfx&AGA
jpegV6bin.lha        gfx/conv   292K IJG JPEG V6 binaries and docs
jpegV6src.lha        gfx/conv   656K IJG JPEG V6 source, dev. material
YCrCb101.lha         gfx/conv     5K ImageFX, TBCPlus YCrCb loader.
XanimAmigaBet6.lha   gfx/show    92K Xanim for Amiga BETA_6. 3.x+AGA or gfxca
ZXPokeGuide20.lha    misc/emu    27K ZXAM POKE guide V2.0 (647 games)
slrp.tar.gz          misc/unix  248K SLiRP 0.95g (BETA) SLIP/PPP emulator
StarBurst.lha        mods/8voic 408K By orpheus. HaPpY HoUsE! Works on any Oc
alienrad.lha         mods/misc   80K Progressive/NewAge mod by PaRSeC
h-trance.lha         mods/misc   73K TechnoTrance module by PaRSeC
macnorml.lha         mods/misc   92K TVScore Sndtrack of Abnormalia by PaRSeC
onthrock.lha         mods/misc  112K Rock`n Roll in the Parsec`s Way
kids.lha             mods/pro   183K New mod from RedRibbon/Zoo
juice-breaks.lha     mods/techn 126K Mellow happy breakbeats by jUicE!
mayday_crypt.lha     mods/techn 134K Mayday2 RMX (Hysteric) by Jens
SFX3_20.lha          mus/edit   647K Powerful soundeffect,converter,..  softw
SFX3_20_guides.lha   mus/edit    86K Ger./engl. guides for SFX
SysExpert.lha        mus/midi    22K Good Sys/Ex-receiver/transmitter V1.10
BeatMaster.lha       mus/misc     5K Counts beats in BPM, V1.00
SoundCrck296.lha     mus/misc    54K Multi-soundripper. V2.96
hip211.lha           mus/play   185K Modplayer for kick1.2+. Try it.
PlayMOD.lha          mus/play    17K PlayMOD v1.1 - Nice CLI/WB ST/NT/PT MOD 
WB_BootPics95.lha    pix/icon   454K WB Boot Pictures '95 - for AmigaOS 3.1
gallery.lha          pix/imagi  404K Imagine rendered image, 800x600JPEG & EC
DarkUni.jpg          pix/irc     41K A picture of DarkUni on IRC EFFNET
FartIsle.jpg         pix/misc    95K Pic by Ozzy_
MysticCow.jpg        pix/misc    43K Pic by Ozzy_
WinBoot256.lha       pix/misc   116K Very good 256 col win-like bootscreen 
YumYum.jpg           pix/misc   100K A very hungry Amiga user ;-)
WorkbenchGrab.lha    pix/wb     195K Didn't you ever wish to see my Workbench
words3.lha           text/edit  1.0M Spell checking software for GoldED
HTML-Heaven.lha      text/hyper 316K Add HTML command-editing to editor. v1.2
crlf2lf.lha          text/misc    6K Small fast and siplest CRLF to LF conver
AutoTex115.lha       text/tex    12K AutoDocs -> LaTeX - Converter , V1.15
XDMEtex.lha          text/tex     7K Connect AmigaTeX and XDME
MDCV1.43.lha         util/arc    28K Yet the best disk cruncher using xpk
BGUIMenu.lha         util/batch  78K V1.0 of the program to create Button men
ModePro4_0.lha       util/boot   48K Screenmode promotion utility.
AKeys.lha            util/cdity  10K V1.7 a commodity that controls the Amiga
devman13.lha         util/cdity  32K Devs and Storage drawers manager v1.3
0Utils.lha           util/cli    66K Some CLI-only tools. v1.4
iuw_clitools.lha     util/cli    23K A bunch of very simple CLI tools
vAvail.lha           util/cli     7K Avail replace with Virtual memory suppor
cdt.lha              util/dtype 108K C.datatype 39.14 highlights c/c++ keywor
TIFFDT.lha           util/dtype  37K V40.3 to read TIFF files. Includes 24 bi
ExpName14.lha        util/libs   11K Decodes manufacturer and product ID (V1.
Atebeta4d.lha        util/misc  246K My answer to Adobe Type Manager(tm)
Executive.lha        util/misc  429K Task manager and scheduler (V1.00)
MagicMem10.lha       util/misc    2K Software memory emulation. (ala XPK)
PatchDevice.lha      util/misc    1K Patch any device/unit to other name/unit
StormNum12.lha       util/misc   34K StormNum1.2, Quite useful lotto optimize
MSFU.lha             util/moni   15K Multi-files Find/Replace CLI tool
xpkRAKE_V1.7.lha     util/pack    9K A packer for the xpk-package, V1.7
csh547.lha           util/shell 196K C-Shell (csh) 5.47, CLI replacement
csh547src.lha        util/shell 141K C-Shell (csh) 5.47, Source (SAS/C)
bxrec225.lha         util/virus  70K BootX Recog 2.25 (27.8.95)
vt2_76.lha           util/virus 749K V2.76 of the famous Viruskiller by H.Sch
ClassAction.lha      util/wb     91K Handle ALL file formats (V2.7)
NewEdit19.lha        util/wb      7K Additional functions in string gadgets
SetPens1.0.lha       util/wb      1K Use 3 bitplane icons on >8 color screens
SystemPrefs301.lha   util/wb     68K Preferences for CPU (up to 68060) and RA

Aminet recent uploads page / Urban Mueller